HRDS to build 1,000 houses in Attappadi for tribals
Sadgraha Tribal housing project has plans to cultivate organic medicainal herbs in 5,000 acres in Attappadi with the support of Adivasis.
Published on January 31, 2019
PAZHANIAMMA is a widow residing in Aanakatti Ooru. She was living in an old house and when she applied for one to HRDS India, an NGO, for her unemployed son, Nandakumar, it was sanctioned and completed.
“Each house is a 370-square feet pre-fabricated structure built at a cost of Rs. 3 , 9 2 , 5 8 0 ” AjiKrishnan, founder secretary of HRDS India, told Express. “A simple application is received at the HRDS India office in Mattathkad, Attappadi, from those Adivasis who own a least 2 cents. Subsequently, a field team goes and verifies the contents in the form. There were many Adivasis who were living on rent. If their relatives were to donate two cents, a house will be allotted. We have built 300 houses and it is pro-posed to complete 1,000 houses in Attappadi in the first phase alone,” he said. HRDS India mobilises resources from CSR funds of corporates.
APN News
Thursday, January, 2019| Today's Market | Current Time: 08:49:08
HRDS India helps tribes to their dream come true
Published on January 22, 2019’s the realization of a dream. Every tribal wants to live in dignity and very soon the Tribals of Kerala will have a decent house to stay. HRDS INDIA has brought about a revolution in the lives of 1000 Tribal families in the Attapadi Tribal Block in the Palakkad district by ensuring each one of them has a proper house. Out of this 300 houses have been completed and will be handed over to the tribal families shortly.